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Starting my Own Business

Starting your own business is an exciting and rewarding journey. While it can be challenging to know what your first steps should be, we’re here to help you with some information on how to build your business from the ground up. 

Start with your idea. Not all ideas come fully formed, so be patient. Once you’ve settled on the idea it’s important to research the market, and identify potential customers and competitors, before starting the ‘road map’ or business plan for this journey.

A business plan is a living document that will change as you evolve your business. It describes your business objectives, strategies, marketing and target audience, amongst other things. It’s key to develop your competitive advantage and refine your core values as well. Focus on what’s going to set you apart and identify your customers’ needs and wants. 

Finally, it’s time to formalize your business plan to help secure funding. Business plans come in all shapes and sizes depending on your goals, market, and industry. The main thing is ensuring it sets you up for the best chance for success.  

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